Author: Yoon, Y.D.
Paper Title Page
TUPTB062 RF Measurements of the 3rd Harmonic Superconducting Cavity for a Bunch Lengthening 565
  • J.Y. Yoon, J.H. Han, H.S. Park, Y.D. Yoon
    Kiswire Advanced Technology Ltd., Daejeon, Republic of Korea
  • E. Kako
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  • E.-S. Kim
    Korea University Sejong Campus, Sejong, Republic of Korea
  The brightness can be increased by minimizing the emittance in the light source, but the reduced emittance also increases the number of collisions of electrons in the beam bunch. Therefore, the bunch lengthening by using the 3rd harmonic cavity reduces the collisions of electrons and increases the Touschek lifetime. Since the resonant frequency of the main RF cavity is 500 MHz, the resonant frequency of 3rd harmonic cavity is selected as 1500 MHz. The prototype cavity is a passive type in which a power coupler is not used, and power is supplied from the beam. The operating temperature is 4.5 K, which is a superconducting cavity. The elliptical double-cell geometry was selected to increase the accelerating voltage of the cavity and reduce power losses. Based on this design, three niobium cavities are fabricated and tested. In this paper, we present the RF measurement results of the 3rd harmonic cavity at room temperature.
*3rd harmonic cavity
*4th generation storage ring
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-SRF2023-TUPTB062  
About • Received ※ 12 June 2023 — Revised ※ 24 June 2023 — Accepted ※ 26 June 2023 — Issue date ※ 13 July 2023
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