Author: Elsayed-Ali, H.
Paper Title Page
TUPTB019 First Results from Nb₃Sn Coatings of 2.6 GHz Nb SRF Cavities Using DC Cylindrical Magnetron Sputtering System 429
SUSPB047   use link to see paper's listing under its alternate paper code  
  • M.S. Shakel, H. Elsayed-Ali
    ODU, Norfolk, Virginia, USA
  • G.V. Eremeev
    Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois, USA
  • U. Pudasaini, A-M. Valente-Feliciano
    JLab, Newport News, Virginia, USA
  Funding: Supported by DOE, Office of Accelerator R&D and Production, Contact No. DE-SC0022284, with partial support by DOE, Office of Nuclear Physics DE-AC05-06OR23177, Early Career Award to G. Eremeev.
A DC cylindrical magnetron sputtering system has been commissioned and operated to deposit Nb₃Sn onto 2.6 GHz Nb SRF cavities. After optimizing the deposition conditions in a mock-up cavity, Nb-Sn films are deposited first on flat samples by multilayer sequential sputtering of Nb and Sn, and later annealed at 950 °C for 3 hours. X-ray diffraction of the films showed multiple peaks for the Nb₃Sn phase and Nb (substrate). No peaks from any Nb-Sn compound other than Nb₃Sn were detected. Later three 2.6 GHz Nb SRF cavities are coated with ~1 µm thick Nb₃Sn. The first Nb₃Sn coated cavity reached close to Eacc = 8 MV/m, demonstrating a quality factor Q₀ of 3.2 × 108 at Tbath = 4.4 K and Eacc = 5 MV/m, about a factor of three higher than that of Nb at this temperature. Q₀ was close to 1.1 × 109, dominated by the residual resistance, at 2 K and Eacc = 5 MV/m. The Nb₃Sn coated cavities demonstrated Tc in the range of 17.9 ¿ 18 K. Here we present the commissioning experience, system optimization, and the first results from the Nb₃Sn fabrication on flat samples and SRF cavities.
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-SRF2023-TUPTB019  
About • Received ※ 16 June 2023 — Revised ※ 24 June 2023 — Accepted ※ 26 June 2023 — Issue date ※ 10 July 2023
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