Author: Schneider, Ch.
Paper Title Page
Operational Experience From 8 Years of ELBE SRF-Gun II  
  • A. Arnold, M. Freitag, M. Justus, U. Lehnert, P.N. Lu, S. Ma, P. Michel, P. Murcek, A.A. Ryzhov, J. Schaber, Ch. Schneider, R. Steinbrück, J. Teichert, R. Xiang
    HZDR, Dresden, Germany
  • G. Ciovati, P. Kneisel, H. Vennekate
    JLab, Newport News, VA, USA
  At the electron accelerator for beams with high brilliance and low emittance (ELBE), the second version of a superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) photoinjector was brought into operation in 2014. After a period of commissioning, a gradual transfer to routine operation took place in 2017, so that now more than 1800h of user beam are generated every year. Since the commission, a total of 24 cathodes (2 Cu, 12 Mg, 10 Cs₂Te) have been used, without observing serious cavity degradation. The contribution summarizes commissioning and operational experience of the last 8 years of gun operation, with special emphasis on SRF properties but also on specialties such as dark current and multipacting that are directly linked to the integration of a normal conducting cathode into the SRF cavity.  
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