Paper | Title | Page |
Advances in SRF Qubit Architectures for Quantum Computing | |
Funding: U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, National Quantum Information Science Research Centers, Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems Center (SQMS) under contract number DE-AC02-07CH11359 Superconducting radio frequency (SRF) cavities provide an excellent platform for storing quantum information as quantum d-level systems (qudits) due to their exceptionally long lifetimes and large accessible Hilbert spaces. A common strategy to manipulate the states is to use a nonlinear element like a transmon. There are, however, several challenges to building a 3D SRF architecture while maintaining a long cavity lifetime. We demonstrate our successful integration of transmons with single-cell Nb SRF cavities and the ability to prepare several non-classical states. Finally, we discuss our strategies to improve the coherence times, gate schemes, and extend the system for building a multi-qudit quantum processor. |
Slides FRIYA01 [7.171 MB] | ||
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High-Power Two-Pass Superconducting Electron Linac for Medical Radioisotope Production | |
Advances in niobium cavity resonator design and small helium refrigerators have made superconducting RF linacs have an industrial technology for low-cost, high-power electron beams. These beams are being used to produce high-flux bremsstrahlung x-ray and neutron sources for commercial applications, particularly for the production of medically-relevant radioisotopes. This contribution will cover recent developments in commercial superconducting accelerator technology including thermionic cathode electron guns, superconducting cryomodules, achromatic beamline arcs, helium cryocoolers, microwave sources, and target stations for the production of medical and industrial isotopes including molybdenum-99 without high-enriched uranium and actinium-225 from radium. These accelerators span the energy range from 10-40 MeV and average beam power for larger systems under development reaches 200 kW. | ||
Slides FRIYA02 [4.495 MB] | ||
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Industrial SRF Activities at RadiaBeam Technologies | |
Funding: This work was funded by the U.S. DOE SBIR awards DE-SC0018753, DE-SC0019973, DE-SC0020034, DE-SC0020930, and NP award DE-SC0021618. RadiaBeam Technologies is active in a number of SRF-related topics including cavity fabrication, cryomodule design, and beamline HOM load absorbers. This work builds upon our world-class NCRF design, fabrication, and high-power RF testing capabilities and is performed in collaboration with various lab, industry, and university partners. This presentation will focus on our progress in cavity fabrication, including niobium plasticity modeling and instrumented niobium forming, in-house machining and chemistry capabilities, and 3rd party electron beam welding. Results from our machined 6 GHz quarter wave resonators for quantum computing will also be discussed. Finally, we will discuss our cross-cutting work on additive manufacturing of C-103 niobium alloy for aerospace applications and pure Nb for SRF components. |
Slides FRIYA03 [3.780 MB] | ||
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