Author: Henry, J.
Paper Title Page
MOPMB078 Design and Prototyping of the Electron Ion Collider Electron Storage Ring SRF Cavity 293
  • J. Guo, E.F. Daly, E. Drachuk, R.R. Fernandes, J. Henry, J. Matalevich, G.-T. Park, R.A. Rimmer, D. Savransky
    JLab, Newport News, Virginia, USA
  • D. Holmes, K.S. Smith, W. Xu, A. Zaltsman
    BNL, Upton, New York, USA
  Funding: Work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Nuclear Physics under contract DE-AC05-06OR23177
Among the EIC¿s numerous RF subsystems, the electron storage ring¿s (ESR) 591 MHz fundamental RF system is one of the most challenging. Each cavity in the system will handle up to 2.5 A of beam current and supply up to 600 kW beam power under a wide range of voltage. The EIC R&D plan includes the design, fabrication and testing of such a cavity. In this paper, we will report the latest status and findings of the ongoing design and prototyping of this cavity, including the RF and mechanical/thermal design, fabrication design, and the progress of fabrication.
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-SRF2023-MOPMB078  
About • Received ※ 12 June 2023 — Revised ※ 26 June 2023 — Accepted ※ 28 June 2023 — Issue date ※ 19 July 2023
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TUPTB033 On the Way to a 10 MeV, Conduction-Cooled, Compact SRF Accelerator 471
  • H. Vennekate, G. Cheng, G. Ciovati, J. Guo, K.A. Harding, J. Henry, U. Pudasaini, R.A. Rimmer
    JLab, Newport News, Virginia, USA
  • A. Castilla
    JLAB, Newport News, USA
  • F.E. Hannon
    Phase Space Tech, Bjärred, Sweden
  • D.A. Packard
    GA, San Diego, California, USA
  • J. Rathke
    TechSource, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA
  • T. Schultheiss
    TJS Technologies, Commack, New York, USA
  Funding: The presentation has been authored by Jefferson Science Associates, LLC under U.S. DOE Contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177.
After the success of designing a compact 1 MeV, 1 MW accelerator based on conduction-cooled SRF, Jefferson Lab is now pursuing a concept to provide a tenfold increase of the beam energy. The higher energy significantly extends the range of applications for environmental remediation and industry in general. The obvious challenge for SRF is to move from a single-cell to a multicell cavity while maintaining high efficiency and the ability to operate the machine without a complex cryogenic plant. The contribution presents the latest results of this design study with respect to its centerpiece, a Nb₃Sn coated 915 MHz five-cell cavity and its corresponding RF components, i.e. FPC and HOM absorber, as well as the conduction-cooling concept based on commercially available cryocoolers.
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-SRF2023-TUPTB033  
About • Received ※ 19 June 2023 — Revised ※ 24 June 2023 — Accepted ※ 26 June 2023 — Issue date ※ 18 July 2023
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WEPWB051 Development of a Prototype 197 MHz Crab Cavity for the Electron-Ion Collider at JLab 685
  • N.A. Huque, E.F. Daly, E. Drachuk, J. Henry, M. Marchlik
    JLab, Newport News, Virginia, USA
  • A. Castilla
    JLAB, Newport News, USA
  • S.U. De Silva
    ODU, Norfolk, Virginia, USA
  • B.P. Xiao
    BNL, Upton, New York, USA
  Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab) is currently developing a prototype 197 MHz Radio-Frequency Dipole (RFD) crab cavity as part of the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) to be built at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL). Cryomodules containing these cavities will be part of Hadron Storage Ring (HSR) of the EIC. The prototype cavity is constructed primarily of formed niobium sheets of thickness 4.17 mm, with machined niobium parts used as interfaces where tight tolerancing is required. The cavity¿s large size and complex features present a number of challenges in fabrication, tuning, and RF testing. Structural and forming analyses have been carried out to optimize the design and fabricated processes. An overview of the design phase and the current state of fabrication are presented in this paper.
Work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Nuclear Physics under contract DE-AC05-06OR23177
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-SRF2023-WEPWB051  
About • Received ※ 17 June 2023 — Revised ※ 25 June 2023 — Accepted ※ 26 June 2023 — Issue date ※ 16 July 2023
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WEPWB103 Simulations and First RF Measurements of Coaxial HOM Coupler Prototypes for PERLE SRF Cavities 831
  • C. Barbagallo, P. Duchesne, W. Kaabi, G. Olivier, G. Olry, S. Roset, Z.F. Zomer
    Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab, Orsay, France
  • B.S. Barriere, C.S. Clement, R.L.A. Gerard, F. Gerigk, P.M. Maurin
    CERN, Meyrin, Switzerland
  • J. Henry, S.A. Overstreet, G.-T. Park, R.A. Rimmer, H. Wang
    JLab, Newport News, Virginia, USA
  Superconducting Radio-Frequency (SRF) linac cryomodules are foreseen for the high-current multi-turn energy recovery linac PERLE (Powerful Energy Recovery Linac for Experiments). Coaxial higher order mode (HOM) couplers are the primary design choice to absorb beam-induced power and avoid beam instabilities. We have used 3D-printed and copper-coated HOM couplers for the prototyping and bench RF measurements on the copper PERLE cavities. We have started a collaboration with JLab and CERN on this effort. This paper presents electromagnetic simulations of the cavity HOM-damping performance on those couplers. Bench RF measurements of the HOMs on an 801.58 MHz 2-cell copper cavity performed at JLab are detailed. The results are compared to eigenmode simulations in CST to confirm the design. RF-thermal simulations are conducted to investigate if the studied HOM couplers undergo quenching.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-SRF2023-WEPWB103  
About • Received ※ 18 June 2023 — Revised ※ 26 June 2023 — Accepted ※ 29 June 2023 — Issue date ※ 02 July 2023
Cite • reference for this paper using ※ BibTeX, ※ LaTeX, ※ Text/Word, ※ RIS, ※ EndNote (xml)