Author: Sakai, H.
Paper Title Page
TUPTB014 Development of Nb₃Sn Coating System and RF Measurement Results at KEK 414
  • H. Ito, H. Sakai, K. Umemori, T. Yamada
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  • K. Takahashi
    Sokendai, Ibaraki, Japan
  We have constructed an Nb₃Sn cavity coating system based on the Sn vapor diffusion method. After the construction, improvement of our coating system and environment has been conducted through sample and cavity coating research. Our cavity achieves a Q-value above 1E10 at 4 K after improvement. We will report on the detail of improvement on our coating system and RF measurement results of single-cell Nb₃Sn cavity.  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-SRF2023-TUPTB014  
About • Received ※ 18 June 2023 — Revised ※ 23 June 2023 — Accepted ※ 26 June 2023 — Issue date ※ 28 June 2023
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TUPTB029 Measurement of Particulates under Slow Pumping after High Pressure Rinsing of Superconducting Cavity by Using Modified Slow Pumping System 458
  • H. Sakai, E. Kako, R. Katayama, K. Umemori
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  Funding: This research was partially supported by the research fund from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).
Slow pumping system was used for particle free vacuum pumping in Superconducting rf accelerator. In KEK, recently slow pumping system was developed for the cryomodule assembly work for STF 9-cell cavities and worked well to reduce the particulates movements under pumping. However, this slow pumping system want to be used for preparation of vertical test. Before assembly work in clean room for vertical test, we normally apply high pressure rinsing. There were many waters in the cavity. Therefore, we kept one night to dry inside cavity in clean room. Unfortunately, there were some waters in the cavity even though we kept drying in clean room for one night. This water might make some icing under pumping and stop pumping in mass flow meter, which used for slow pumping to control the mass flow. Therefore, we modify the slow pumping system to be robust under slow pumping even when water exists in the cavity. In this paper, we present the modified slow pumping system in KEK and the results of the vacuum trend through slow pumping of 9-cell superconducting cavity. Under slow pumping, we measure the particulates after high pressure rinsing by using vacuum particle monitor.
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-SRF2023-TUPTB029  
About • Received ※ 16 June 2023 — Revised ※ 26 June 2023 — Accepted ※ 21 August 2023 — Issue date ※ 22 August 2023
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TUPTB030 Development of Automatic Cleaning and Assembly Systems in Clean Room at KEK 463
  • Y. Yamamoto, T. Dohmae, M.H. Hiraki, H. Sakai, K. Umemori, T. Yamada
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  At KEK, new clean work systems including vertical auto cleaning system, replacement system between blank flange and bellows, and robot arm have been developed and installed since 2020 under the collaboration between Japan and France. The main purpose is unmanned and dust-free operation in clean room to avoid performance degradation with field emission in vertical test and cryomodule test. The vertical auto cleaning system and the replacement system between blank flange and bellows have been operated successfully in 2021-2022. Currently, clean work studies related to auto cleaning and assembly is under progress by combining the blank-bellows replacement system and a robot arm. In this report, the recent status of clean works at KEK will be presented.  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-SRF2023-TUPTB030  
About • Received ※ 17 June 2023 — Revised ※ 24 June 2023 — Accepted ※ 26 June 2023 — Issue date ※ 30 June 2023
Cite • reference for this paper using ※ BibTeX, ※ LaTeX, ※ Text/Word, ※ RIS, ※ EndNote (xml)